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This paper focuses on the effect of transformer parameters and a line reactor on distribution of power flows in a high-voltage substation and transmission lines. Four case studies that have different values of transformer parameters including rated power, short-circuit impedance and reactance/resistance ratio are supposed in this research. Basing on power flows on transformers in case of the parallel operation, load factor of each transformer and operating parameters are considered in above case studies. Moreover, a line reactor is proposed in this paper to regulate power flows in a system having two power sources. Four operating modes of the proposed line reactor are defined by changing on/off states of switches in this device to modify the value of impedance. The effect of the line reactor on power received from sources and power flows on transmission lines is evaluated in its all modes. Research results are carried out by the ETAP 16.0 software and present high accuracy and reliability for the proposed problems. Research contributions help dispatchers understand the essence of power transmission process, solve real problems and give out effective solutions to operate high-voltage systems.

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How to Cite
Ngo Duc Minh, & Le Tien Phong. (2019). Effect of Transformer Parameters and Line Reactor on Power Flows in High-Voltage Systems. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(6), 40-56. Retrieved from