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Urban transportation is gradually becoming one of the most pressing problems in India.  An efficient system of transport that could accommodate a continuously increasing need of movement for people as well as goods is the need of the hour.  Transportation not only facilitates movement of goods and people but it also serves multiple other activities to sustain life ranging from economic, political to social. Economic reasons are what are given the most weightage some of them being expansion of markets and stabilization of prizes in different markets. But the more pertinent ones remain hidden as they are social in nature since opportunities to travel open a gamut of economic as well as social opportunities like meeting various people and exposure to various cultures and places that bring in a lot of awareness among travelers. The present paper tries to understand the preferences of residents of Gandhinagar city which is the capital of Gujarat state. This understanding leads to a summary of what people expect of today’s state-run road public transport service and thereby providing policy implications for public transport. 

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How to Cite
Rathod, D., & Denis, D. L. (2019). A Study of Preference for Public Transport Bus Service among Residents of Gandhinagar. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(8), 199-213. Retrieved from