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     In this article, we will talk about integrated learning technologies. The role and importance of traveling lessons in the organization of lessons with integrated approaches are highlighted. The authors explain how to organize travel lessons with lesson steps. The lesson at the museum is compelling and engaging, complementing classroom lessons and enriching children's imagination. Such lessons are long lasting in the students' memory, and their value in cultivating a speaking culture and broadening their outlook is invaluable. The use of didactic-based resources for language learning in foreign language classes will give students broad information about the country in which they study. It is said, this is one of the integrated teaching methods.

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How to Cite
Hilola Suyunova, & Miltiqbay Suyunov. (2020). The Role Integrative Approach In Travel Lessons. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(12), 1333-1340. Retrieved from