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The paper discussed the awareness and use of Employees’ State Insurance services among the Industrial workers. The study also identifies sources of information about the ESI services and its barriers for accessing them.  The author conducted a survey method by using the semi structured questionnaire. The data was collected from only Chennai workers. The investigator using investigates only 100 workers for using convenience sampling method. The study found that all workers and aware and majority utilizing the benefits of ESI services. It was also found that interpersonal communication is the main source of information about the ESI scheme for workers. The results also reveals the large majority of workers feels that bottleneck in procedure and lack of medical facility is the main barriers for getting the services form ESI dispensary. Suggestions also made for improvement for using the ESI benefits.

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How to Cite
Ajith M. (2019). Impact on Awareness and Use Of Employees’ State Insurance Services in Chennai City. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(8), 442-447. Retrieved from