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"Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus" Jim Collins The word recruitment has been defined by different authors in different ways but all meaning the same thing. All the definitions seem to agree that recruitment is a process of actively seeking potential candidates in sufficient numbers and qualities to fill vacant positions within organization. Now whole world is just a click away from us and we can connect with individuals from all over the world. Online recruitment uses the power of the internet to match people to jobs. Electronic recruitment, online recruitment, cyber recruiting or internet recruiting are all synonyms of E-Recruitment. Fundamentally, it is about advertising vacancies on either job sites or corporate websites. At this very basic level it is particularly effective at getting a high level of response.

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How to Cite
Iniyavan. V. (2019). Cyber Recruiting Through Social Media: (No Pen and Paper; Go Digital). Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(8), 269-273. Retrieved from