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Financial management of resources in terms of profitability constitutes, by far, the most important aspect of operational efficiency of an enterprise. The public sector has been performing an important role in Tamil Nadu economy. Public sector undertakings can discharge its social obligations better if it operates in a profitable manner. The present study is a serious attempt to measure the overall financial performance growth and profitability of 51 public sector undertakings in Tamil Nadu. Relevant statistical tools and techniques have been used for data analysis. While the secondary data relate to PSUs for a period of 6 years, from 2009-10 to      2014-15. The study found that the overall position of PSUs Tamil Nadu has been satisfactory on the profitability front. A few sectors have been suffering huge losses causing an undue pressure on the economy.

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How to Cite
Sujan Raj .E. (2019). Growth and Profitability of State Public Sector Undertakings in Tamil Nadu. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(11), 304-310. Retrieved from