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The major banana producing state of Tamil Nadu, the area cultivated in 1,02,458 hectares with an annual production of 5 364.701 million tonnes. The productivity in Tamil Nadu is 52.36 tonnes per hectare in the year 2009-10. The selected areas of Srivaikundam taluk of Thoothukudi District with more than 70 per cent of the total population depend on agriculture and a lot of marketing business is going on in this area.  This taluk is solely depending on agriculture. Majority of the farmers are cultivate kathali banana in this taluk. So a survey has been undertaken to study the cost and structure of kathali banana production. The development of poor people in Srivaikundam taluk is mainly depends on the production of banana especially kathali banana. To improve the production the government should take necessary steps to help the farmers by fulfilling their financial needs and other needs. Hence, it is concluded that the production of kathali banana has made a positive contribution to the development of the Srivaikundam taluk.


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How to Cite
S.Asha, & Pandian, D. (2019). Cost and Structure Analysis of Kathali Banana in Srivaikundam Taluk, Thoothukudi District. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(12), 1266-1271. Retrieved from