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Dry land systems of ecosystem are characterized by lack of water. They include cultivated lands, scrublands, shrub lands, grasslands, savannas, semi-desert and true deserts. The lack of water constrains leads to low production of crops, forage, wood, and other ecosystem services. The main objective for this study was to analysis area, production and productivity of dry land crops in Tamil Nadu. This study intends to use secondary source of information. The secondary data had been used for the study purpose. The data was referred for in various issues of SHB from 2001-02 to 2014-2015.In overall performance of growth in area, production and productivity of dry land crops in Tamil Nadu was observed that the area under Cholam, Cumbu, Ragi, Groundnut and Gingili decreased. Whereas production and productivity of Cholam, Cumbu, Ragi, Groundnut and Gingili increased. Over the period of time at reference (2001-02 to 2014-15).

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How to Cite
Gurubalaji .S .R. (2019). A Study on Production and Productivity of Dry Land Crops in Tamil Nadu. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(12), 432-436. Retrieved from