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Cleaning is an important habit of our life which is exceptionally useful for everybody and need to solid life way of life. Cleaning should be the main need and significant for each resident of the nation, it is the best start of dispose of social issue from the general public just as raise the advancement of nation with its resident’s development. People of India think that cleaning is singular employment & obligation and residents of the country don't aware about the sanitation and they would prefer not to think about disinfected particularly rustic people groups. In the country there is lack of proper toilets, so individuals compel to go outside for latrine due to this numerous individuals confronted such a large number of infections issues as a result of the open defection. Open defecation is primary issue in India and subsequently numerous issues confronted sicknesses mishaps. So these issues can be tackled, through Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which was propelled the on October second 2014, on the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi ji by the PM of the country with the motivation to make India a spotless by 2019. The basic point of this study is to reflect the SBA and how this movement is helpful to clean the country, this study also reflect the associated citizens, celebrities and companies in this programme and highlight the benefits of clean India to the economy of the country. The data and informations used in this study borrowed from secondary sources.

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How to Cite
Dr. Rohit Bansal, & Dr. Ram Singh. (2019). Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A Mission to Clean India. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(10), 290-300. Retrieved from