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The antiquity of India is represented in the Vedic texts by the seers. Four Vedas i.e. Ṛgveda, Yajurveda, Sāmaveda and Atharvaveda reflect the Indian society and its culture of that respective period. These texts are regarded as the treasure of Indian literature, composed in the Sanskrit language. The analysis of these texts of the Vedas brings out the concepts of environmental awareness practiced by the ancient people. Nature occupies the foremost place in the lives of ancient place, as nature is the source of their livelihood. Nature is worshipped in different forms by the people and any harm caused to nature is admitted as curse. This is the only way by which people become more conscious about saving nature and environment, and to sustain it for the future generations.  Though the concept of environmental protection is becoming a very serious issue now-a-days; but ancient people of India were aware of it thousand years ago. At the very early age of civilization, people realize the necessity of protection of nature and environment. From Vedic to Classical Sanskrit literature, the great poets always make nature as the centre of their depiction. They understand the intimate relation between the people and nature. They can realize the impact of nature on human lives.

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How to Cite
Mridusmita Bharadwaj. (2019). The Concept of Environmental Protection as Depicted in the Atharvaveda. Thematics Journal of Geography, 8(11), 177-181. Retrieved from