Global Positioning System Application in Mining

  • Sayed Sayeeduddinzabi
  • Mr. Vinay Kumar Patel


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system that was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in the early 1970s. Initially, GPS was developed as a military system to fulfill U.S. military needs. However, it was later made available to civilians, and is now dual-use system that can be accessed by both military and civilian users. GPS provides continuous positioning and timing information, anywhere in the world under any weather conditions. Because it serves an unlimited number of users as well as being used for security reasons, GPS is a one-way-ranging (passive) system. That is, users can only receive the satellite signals. GPS has been available for civil and military use for more than two decades. That period of time has witnessed the creation of numerous new GPS applications. Because it provides high-accuracy positioning in a cost effective manner, GPS has found its way into many industrial applications, replacing conventional methods in most cases. For example, with GPS, machineries can be automatically guided and controlled. This is especially useful in hazardous areas, where human lives are endangered.
